8 Ways to Boost Sales with Gift Cards this Mother’s Day

8 Ways to Boost Sales with Gift Cards this Mother’s Day

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8 ways to boost sales with goft cards this mothers day

During the pandemic, Amazon, the world’s biggest online retailer removed its “suggested products” option because of the surge in online orders and as it was too much even for them to take. That’s how unaffected online sales have been despite it pushing many other major industries to its knees. That has been the case with the sales for Mother’s day as well. The National Retail Federation’s annual Mother’s Day consumer survey said the following for the year 2020:

  • 86% planned to celebrate Mother’s day
  • The top 3 gift categories are: Housewares (25%), Books/CDs (24%) and Electronics (19%)
  • The total expected spending for the year was supposed to be $26.7 billion
  • The average spending by a consumer was expected to be $204.74
  • In the percent of purchasing category, you will notice that women and men were going to spend 47% and 51% on gift cards

Now that we understand how important Mother’s day celebrations are in the bigger scheme of things for retailers, let us look at 8 ways to boost the sales of gift cards on this day:

  1. Personalized Gift Cards
  2. It is a special day where consumers make their mother feel loved and valued by buying them a gift that they would appreciate. There is a lot of emotion that goes into this gifting process, it would be great if the customer gets to add personalization on top of it.

    Provide an opportunity for the user to add a bunch of images on the gift cards. Allow them to choose images that they would like to add. Provide a variety of options that won’t take a lot of time to be added to the gift card so that it can be as special as possible.

  3. Promote
  4. In real estate, it is all about location, and for special festivals, it is all about the marketing. If your customers do not know that you have special gift cards for Mother’s day, then it is difficult to increase sales. Come up with a limited edition gift card variety just for Mother’s day and promote it at every interaction touchpoint. Your customers who were planning to buy a gift for their mother would be doubly pleased when they know that they will be getting a special gift card for the occasion.

  5. Use Email Marketing
  6. Have you realized what’s the greatest thing about email marketing? It is the fact that it reaches into the pockets (read mobile phones) of your prospective customers as stealthily as possible. Once you send them a promotional email about the Mother’s day gift card, if they were someone who was planning to buy a gift, they are going to be excited about the perks that the card offers. If the perks pique their excitement, then you might be able to get a sale within minutes. With email marketing, it can be as simple as that.

  7. Offer Gift Cards at a discount on Mother’s Day
  8. Special days are a great time to promote the sale of your gift cards. On Mother’s day, you can announce to your customers that they can buy a gift card for $100 at a discounted rate of $90. Even those who were not planning to buy anything on Mother’s day will find this an enticing opportunity to get your products at a discounted rate in the future. For those who are regular customers, they will find it even more appetizing and may even buy a bunch of gift cards for the future as it is helping them save $10 on each $100 they spend here.

  9. Mother’s Day contest
  10. You could come up with contest ideas that will increase the interest of prospective customers in your gift cards, and more importantly, added interest to your brand too. The contests don’t have to be anything that takes up a lot of their time, it could even be as simple as posting the best mother-son or mother-daughter picture. The best entries can get a free gift card from your store. Promote the contest to everyone in your email list as well as on your social media handles.

  11. Create a catalogue for Mother’s Day
  12. All of us know that one of the most difficult processes in the gift giving scenario is finding the right gift. Since it is a special person that you are giving a gift to, you don’t want to disappoint them either. You have the leverage of having in-house products that you can push to your customers for Mother’s day(as long as they are relevant for the occasion). Create a catalogue of products that can be gifted to mothers on this day. Add a clause that if the products are bought with your gift cards, there will be a 10% off on the total value or any number that makes sense for your business.

  13. Use Social Media
  14. Come up with campaigns specially focused for customers who follow you on social media. Offer the Mother’s day themed gift cards for those who are your followers and those who purchase products on this day using your gift cards can even be given extra perks.

  15. Provide Incentivizes wherever you can
  16. Do you want more gift card sales during Mother’s day? All you have to do, apart from selling stellar products coupled with a fantastic after-sales service is that you should provide incentives for your customers who are buying your products using your Mother’s day themed gift cards.

    It is an opportunity to push the sales of gift cards even for those who are not planning to buy anything on Mother’s day. Initiatives like this can push the sales of gift cards. Even a simple greeting card for everyone who purchases your gift card will be a good perk to offer.


    Remember that Mother’s day is to make a motherly figure in your life feel special, valued and celebrated. Make sure that your customers feel great while they are on your website or retail store to make a purchase. Try to add little details to make the buying process as nice as possible.

    If you are looking to add gift cards for your business, get on a call with the folks at 99minds and we would be able to help you with it. It doesn’t take a lot of time to set up your business with gift cards.